Start making a bucket list, now! Updated January 27th, 2022 A bucket list is something most of us have thought about making, but during these times of lock down, probably a really important thing to do at the moment as it will give us purpose for our future and...
Feel good things to do at Home Revised 21/1/2022 How do you feel good, when you can’t go anywhere, can’t have coffee with your friend, or even go for a drive anywhere? During a COVID-19 lockdown, the feel-good stuff needs to change. We have changed our attitude and...
Healing Ancestral trauma using family constellations. Are you feeling emotions that just don’t make sense? Have you inherited ancestral trauma patterns? Would you like to understand and heal some of the destructive behaviours that hold you and your family back?...
How to use oracle cards – a beginners guide Using Oracle cards is an easy way to get guidance from the universe. They are a simple spiritual tool anyone can use to connect to our subconscious or inner self that can be used on a daily basis. You must be open to...
Meetings, Rules and Etiquette and how to set them Have you participated in an out-of-control online meeting? People trying to talk at the same time, power-tools in use within microphone hearing distance and cats walking across keyboards are things that I have seen...