Meetings, Rules and Etiquette and how to set them Have you participated in an out-of-control online meeting? People trying to talk at the same time, power-tools in use within microphone hearing distance and cats walking across keyboards are things that I have seen...
Run a great online meeting that people want to attend Have you ever attended an online meeting that just didn’t go so well? I have and I decided to dissect what had happened so I could make sure my meetings weren’t like that. My main learning was the person...
Gen Z Work Ethics – Are They Different from Millennials Gen Z took over when Baby Boomers retired to enjoy the fruit of their labours. Now Baby Boomers were born of parents who emerged from a war sometimes literally shell shocked. Getting a decent job was drummed into...
Does everyone need a Life Coach? I don’t know about you, but when I was a teen there was nothing my parents could teach me. And as for school, I could not see the point of maths, and the books we read in literature class seemed positively ancient. Since then I have...
Integrity and the Corporate Ladder – How Much Should We Give? Are there true, honest and genuine business ethics in large corporations beneath their carefully crafted veneers? And what about the dog-eats-dog culture where small business scrapes for survival. I suppose...
Old or New. Which way will you do Business? A world-wide pandemic has not only changed the way we are as people, it has also changed the way we do business. Social distancing, masks, supply chain issues, and lockdowns mean that business, as we knew it either, has to...