Understanding our uniqueness, we are not all the same. This has been my transformative healing journey, we are all unique, we are all different but in so many ways we are all the same. We all desire love and acceptance, that is our simple human need. This is my...
When kids leave home – their own way Being a mum can be hard, we spend our child-raising years trying to prepare our kids for “the big world” out there. We want their transition to independence to be safe and successful. I never could have predicted the roller...
Feeling Overwhelmed doesn’t have to be a Way of Life “Everything is too much for me and yet I do nothing”. Is this how you have been feeling but couldn’t put it into words? You, along with many others, may be experiencing the combination effect of overwhelm and...
Do you know who you are? Human beings have been searching to find out who they are, but while most of us ask this question at some time in our life time, very few spend the time to actually finding out the answer. Finding and understanding more answers will change...
Soul Writing is “A Thing” I believe we are all on this earth to learn the lessons we need so we can move onto the next chapter of our soul life more powerfully. We come here with contracts made prior to our birth with those closest to us so we can get...